Custom keybindings are possible via scripts.
Lets see how can we add vim mode support using scripts.
The next example uses linux commands but the same can be done on any platform.
1 - Activate scripting feature:
and set activate_scripting = true
location depends on the platform see dirs)mkdir -p $config/irust/script4
2 - Download vim-mode script and install it
git clone https://github.com/sigmaSd/IRust irust
cd irust/scripts_examples
cargo b --release
chmod +x target/release/irust_vim
cp target/release/irust_vim $config/irust/script4/
That's it, to check for the list of scripts, run :scripts
To activate/deactivate a script run :scripts $script [activate|deactivate]
We can enable vim-mode now via :scripts Vim activate