Turns out when someone send you a bunch of pictures in facebook, there is no way to download them at once.
So here is what I tried in order to download them all (the working method is last, so you can skip to it if you want)
In all the next methods the idea is simple: automate the next steps
document.querySelector('<your css selector>').click()
This works initially, but soon the page freezes and I get this error on the
console: ErrorUtils caught an error: too much recursion
Maybe its a facebook security protection.
I also tried sending right arrow keyboard click as an alternative but the same error happens.
Here is the code in case you're interested (I just asked chatgpt for it)
(function () {
// Create the event
var rightArrowEvent = new KeyboardEvent("keydown", {
key: "ArrowRight",
code: "ArrowRight",
keyCode: 39, // The keyCode for the right arrow key
which: 39, // The same value as keyCode
shiftKey: false, // No shift key
ctrlKey: false, // No ctrl key
metaKey: false, // No meta key
altKey: false, // No alt key
bubbles: true, // Bubbles up through the DOM
cancelable: true, // The event can be canceled
// Dispatch the event to the target element or document
So this didn't work time to go to next idea
Javascirpt injection didn't work, so the next idea that came to mind is to use good old botting.
I'm using wayland so there is no xdotool here, but you can use ydotool.
Its even already available in fedora official packages.
The steps are:
sudo dnf install ydotool
sudo ydotoold& # so it runs in the background
sudo ydotool <commands here>
Unfortunately it works partially, in particular
ydotool mousemove --absolute -x $xpos -y $ypos
only moves the x in my testing,
the mouse is always stuck on the top.
So whats left, of course the battle tested xdotool, the good thing is fedora still have gnome on xorg installed by default, so I can simply logout and switch to it to be able to use xdotool.
The steps are:
sudo dnf install xdotool
xdotool getmouselocation #note the location somewhere
xdotool getmouselocation #note the location somewhere
sleep 0.5 # wait for me to tab switch to the page;
while true
xdotool mousemove 1075 178 # move to download button position
xdotool click 1 # mouse left click
sleep 2
xdotool mousemove 1328 431 # move to next button position
xdotool click 1 # mouse left click
sleep 0.1
And that actually works, In a couple of seconds I have downloaded all the pictures sent to me.