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Simulate plugin experience in Helix



I like helix, especially multi-cursor supports which unfortunately for nvim seems hard to add

So everyone is waiting for the plugin system, till then here is a not so bad plugin like experience

mkdir -p ~/dev/helix/scripts/source

This example uses fish, other shell have similar abilities

function hx
    set PATH_TMP $PATH
    set PATH ~/dev/helix/scripts/ $PATH
    helix $argv
    set PATH $PATH_TMP

funcsave hx

So now hx is aliased to helix that knows about our scripts path

I'm going to use deno here, but any compiled program can work

The advantage of deno, is the programs have 0 permissions by default which works actually very well as a plugin

But realisticly you want a compiled language, for the fastest cold startup time. I prefer Zig for this since it makes the lowest amount of syscalls possible by default in linux for example.

cd ~/dev/helix/scripts

Here is an example for a script I just needed that just simply flips ] to ) and [ to (


const buf = new Uint8Array(256);
const n = await;

const a = new TextDecoder().decode(buf.slice(0, n!));
let r;
switch (a) {
  case "]":
    r = ")";
  case "[":
    r = "(";
    r = a;
Deno.stdout.writeSync(new TextEncoder().encode(r));

Or another script that acts as a snippet (just inserts console.log)

Deno.stdout.writeSync(new TextEncoder().encode("console.log("));

This example uses fish syntax, other shell have similar workflow

for f in (ls source)
    deno compile source/$f

That's it, now when running helix, we can pipe a selection to our scripts using the pipe command which is bound to | key by default (can be changed, I have personally "ยต" = "shell_pipe" for azerty keyboard)