Github allows you to have your own page pages.github
Currently I'm using a markdown file to write the page then I can convert it to html with python-markdown
markdown_py index.md 1>index.html
The nice thing is the ability to add html/css code directly inside the markdown file and it will still work correctly. (useful for css styles)
Checkout this page source code sigmaSd.github.io
Update1: Now that I use multiple pages, the new command is (fish sell):
for i in (ls | rg '\.md')
set h (echo $i | sd '..$' 'html'); markdown_py $i 1>$h;
Update2: The up-to-date command is located here compile.fish
Update3: This page now uses zola. To see the old method blogged about in this post, checkout this link old_page (html/css branch)